So from a previous post you know we've been learning the "Books of the Bible" with this rap/pop song. I love it and the kids do too. I have heard them both singing it randomly. Reese was singing it this morning while I was fixing (true southern term I know) her hair.
Reese: "We got Esther, Joe, and Psalms. These are the gospels go and make disciples."
Me: "Reese, it is JOB not Joe and those aren't the gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Those are the gospels."
Reese: "Well, I like Joe better and all of them make disciples."
I almost corrected her again but didn't.
Because she is right.
Maybe not about the "Joe" part but about how the whole Word of God "makes" disciples. You can't have the "gospels" without the Esther, "Joe", and Psalms. You can't read any them and not be changed. Or if you can you better "check yourself before you wreck yourself." (Sorry, I had to :) )
Thankful for wisdom coming from my 5 year old even if she likes 'ole Joe better.
And you should hear her say Habakkuk...priceless. I can't even type the word I think she is saying because it is hers. Have not a clue what she is saying.

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