This past Sunday we were challenged instead of making our own "New Year's Resolutions" to re-think the whole idea. The scripture was Nehemiah Chapter 1. Which just happens to hold such a special place in my heart! I did a Bible Study on the book of Nehemiah by Kelly Minter and to say I loved it would be an understatement. In the first chapter, Nehemiah is broken for his "people" and Jerusalem. Go read it.
His story is incredible.
We were encouraged to re-think the whole idea and instead of the resolution being about "us" for it to be about others and how we could carve out time for something that "breaks our hearts." I'm praying about it. What breaks my heart? So many things...
I wanted to hear my kid's take on it. For this RE:SOLUTION (as it is called) to be for our whole family. Here's our conversation.
Me: What breaks your hearts?
Reese: Well, it breaks my heart when Bubs acts like he is going to put his boogers on me.
Me: John Rhett do you do that? And Reese that is gross.
Reese: It breaks my heart into little pieces.
John Rhett: I pretend I am going to do it but I never do.
Me: Ok, we are off track. What breaks your heart? Like when you think about it makes you want to do something?
Reese: I know. When people know that they are dying. That breaks my heart.
John Rhett: When people are hungry.
Me: How could we make some time for that...
Reese: I could draw them pretty pictures. That will be easy because all my pictures are pretty.
John Rhett: I don't know mom. Feed them?
Me: Those are great ideas!!!
We've agreed on a plan. Reese is going to draw some pretty pictures and we are going to contact a local hospice for them to give to some of their patients. John Rhett is going to choose some food items he would like to donate to Backpack Buddies and use his chore money.
Backpack Buddies- I can barely type that without crying. This organization is amazing. They identify children who may not eat ALL weekend and send them home with a backpack filled food on Fridays to get through until Monday when they return to school. Heart breaking.
We are pretty excited about our RE:SOLUTION. I'll keep you posted!!

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