I try to go to eat lunch with JR and Reese at least once a week.
Reese specifically asked me this morning. "Mom, will you "PA-lease" eat lunch with us today."
How can you say no to that?
I was feeling lazy with my hair. For me to wash my hair and dry it and then straighten it and then straighten it again takes forever. Yes, I have to straighten it twice, if not it looks like "the lion." "The lion" is a term of endearment Josh uses for my hair when I let it air dry. Because he says it looks like I have a mane. His words, not mine. Thank goodness I am not emotional driven. So, today I just used dry shampoo (it saves my dear life) and put it back in a ponytail.
When Reese saw me walk into the cafeteria, she ran up to me and gave me a hug.
Then she said with this look on her face, "You should not have used the dry shampoo today."
I literally laughed out loud. She was probably right.
I finished up lunch with her and sat with JR's class. A friend of his said, "Miss Amber, I was watching this movie and there was this old lady that was crazy. She kind of reminded me of you."
Again, laughed out loud.
Nothing like a boost to the 'ole self esteem with 5 and 7 year olds. :)

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