"Follow" is a very loose term. If I have a few minutes of down time...I check these ladies out!
Jessica Turner http://www.themomcreative.com
Angie Smith http://angiesmithonline.com
Kelly's Korner http://www.kellyskornerblog.com
Money Saving Mom http://moneysavingmom.com
Faithful Provisions http://faithfulprovisions.com
Vicki Courtney http://vickicourtney.com/blog/
Priscilla Shirer http://www.goingbeyond.com/blog
Beth Moore http://blog.lproof.org
Boo Mama http://boomama.net
Big Mama http://thebigmamablog.com
Jen Hatmaker http://jenhatmaker.com/blog
Kelly Minter http://kellyminter.com/blog/