Today has been "interesting." Interesting is the term I like to use when I really don't know what else to call it.
Around 5 am
Reese: Mom, my stomach hurts.
Me: Do you have to throw up? Do you have to poop?
Reese: No, I just need some water.
Me: Okay (she drank the water on my bedside table and got in my bed)
And then it happened just like it does every time.
Reese: Mom, I am going to "fhrow up" and then buckets of vomit. I was lying on my stomach so she was vomiting on my neck, shoulder, and back. I couldn't move. She was crying. I was trying to get Josh to help. I know that this is something moms do. We get vomited on. But Reese is 5. We have tried to have the "you go to the toilet" speech but poor thing just can not. And we did this 3 times. THREE TODAY.
And you know your mom is in the medical field when you ask for Zofran. By name.
Now the stomach bug is gone and Reese is acting like Reese. While I was giving her the 4th bath of today....
Reese: "Sidekicks do whatever you say."
Reese: "Mom, did you know I have a sidekick?"
Me: "You do?"
Reese: "Yeah, it is daddy."
Me: laughing
Reese: "And bubs"
After the bath we are snuggling, eating saltines, watching American Idol and this girl has on a midriff shirt.
Reese: " Look at her shirt! Her belly is showing."
Me: "I know."
Reese: "What is wrong with her momma?"
Me: "I'm not sure but she must not have seen that shirt."
Reese: "I guess she didn't."

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