When I began to pray about starting this blog, I knew it was going to need more people than just me.
I have NO (and I mean NO) idea about graphic design and/or photography (Instagram doesn't count).
I wanted the design to have PURPOSE. I have a friend,
Dara Lynn Rieger who blogs and recently had a design overhaul and I LOVED it. (I love her blog and highly recommend reading it ) She's real, vulnerable, "Mae" have a Reese on her hands, and loves her family and Jesus. I contacted Dara Lynn and she gave me Danielle's information.
Danielle Burkleo = the graphic designer extraordinaire.
I felt bad for Danielle because all I told her was the name and what I liked.
Arrows and Acorns. Which of course have absolutely NOTHING to do with puddles or jumping. And no stripes. That is what she had to go on. What she created was nothing short of fabulous.
So this is to explain ARROWS and ACORNS.
"Children are a gift from the Lord a reward from the Him, LIKE ARROWS in the hand of a warrior..." (Psalm 127: 3-4) I love that scripture. It is humbling and challenging. John Rhett and Reese are my arrows (ok Josh's too) and I (we) am/are the WARRIORS. Some days I don't feel like a warrior. I feel weak, defeated, and broken. I am tired, no make that exhausted, and the thought of bedtime (which if you know my kids is disastrous) makes me "crazy mom." (this is a term of endearment that is a warning to both me and my kids that mom is about to lose it.) And other days, I feel like I've got it going on. I am THE mom of the year. Make that the century. Until of course, bedtime.
My brother and sis-in-law (Derek and Jill) for Christmas got me two perfect presents. A bracelet and a beautiful sign (handmade) that states
"Like Arrows." (insert crying emoticon)
Across the word Adventures you will see the arrows. Brilliant.
When Reese attended preschool at First Baptist Academy everyday she would come home with acorns. They would be in her pockets and in her back pack. I mean everywhere. And I love them. I've kept them by my bedside. The acorns fell from a huge oak tree that overshadows the playground. That sweet baby girl would always take some of her "play" time to pick acorns up for me. Priceless. A great reminder for me as a mom because there is also a scripture reference here - "They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of HIS splendor. " Isaiah 61:3
That is my ultimate parenting goal that my children will be displays of HIS splendor. My "job" is to point my little arrows in HIS direction so that Jesus Christ may be glorified.
On either side of the "logo" see the tiny little acorns!! Love.
This blog would not be complete without the talented
Brian Kitchens (and his family). Brian has captured what I like to call the "not real" pictures of our family. These are the pictures that have been edited, photoshopped, and displayed as our Christmas cards. During the "shoot" I am 100% convinced that they will look terrible because we can't seem to get it together and somehow he makes it work. He has captured some of my very favorite pictures of my children that I will cherish forever. So this past photo op I had him grab one of just me, which he edited and photoshopped- I am sure even if he denies it.
But way beyond photography, Brian and Melissa are our friends. I mean real friends. Ones that are God-sent. Like descended from the throne room of the Most High and I am not even kidding.
When we had to fill out the emergency forms at school for our kids, their names are there. John Rhett asked me and Josh separately one day, "Mom, if something happened and you couldn't come get me from school who would?" I said, "Brian or Melissa." JR responded, "Dad said the same thing."
We have laughed, cried, and prayed together. They offered to take our 2 with their 4 - yes a total of 6 kids- for the evening this past Sunday for a sleep over. When I walked in their home to put the bag down, Melissa said, "don't look at my house." I said, "don't worry mine looks worse and we have no groceries so my kids ate honeybuns for breakfast." Her response, "ours had lunchables and vienna sausages." And we burst out laughing. Real folks. Who just happen to love us and others so very well.
So thank you. I am so grateful.