We try to use kind words in our home. We have strict rules on the use of words. John Rhett came home from school recently and said, "Mom, someone said the "s" word at school." I asked, "What word?" "Mom, I can't even say it, it was so bad." "It is okay just tell me so we can talk about it."
"Mom, they said stupid" and I gasped. I was trying not to laugh. But we talk about how important it is for our words to be kind and encouraging. Yes, my kids know the bad words and even the really bad words, I said them and explained them. I didn't want them to hear it from anyone else. We talked about how we could choose better words and why we shouldn't use them. My kiddos actually acted responsible and mature (if that is possible for a 5 and 7 year old) about it all. And the not so funny thing is, John Rhett had already heard the majority of them. So, tonight when Reese said, "Mom, Bubs called me a really bad word today." I was a little nervous and curious because that is not John Rhett at all. I asked her what he said.
Reese: Mom, John Rhett called me evil and that is a bad word.
Me: Evil is not a bad word. It isn't nice or kind but it isn't bad. Why did he call you that?
Reese: I have no idea.
Me: (John Rhett come here) Reese, what did you do?
John Rhett: Yes, mom.
Me: Why did you call Reese evil? Do you think she is evil?
Reese: I didn't do anything.
John Rhett: Mom, she hit me and punched me. So, I called her evil.
Me: Reese, why did you hit him?
Reese: Because he was "aggravate" me
Me: Reese, tell Bubs you are sorry. John Rhett, look her in the eye and tell her she is not evil.
Reese: Sorry
John Rhett: I am sorry I called you evil but you are at least mean.
Evil the new four letter word that you can't use to describe your sister.

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