Today, I am one month shy of being here in Covington 7 years. When we began to look for an area to live from Jacksonville. Our criteria seemed simple enough, we needed a located close to I-20 and a hospital. Josh and I have always prayed for God's guidance and believe that He will lead us in His perfect timing where we should be. So, when we landed in Covington we knew it would be our new home. We both wanted a small town for several reasons, mainly because as our family grew we wanted our kids to feel like what it was to be part of a community.
I applied for a job as a staff nurse at Newton Medical Center. I was trying to just work one day a week as I finished up graduate school. I walked into NMC a complete stranger.
Last night, I walked out for the last time as a part of the NMC family. I do use the word "family" on purpose because you can't really leave family. My heart is heavy. I've mentioned to so many of you that I am going to miss being a part of your day to day. Hearing about your families, your vacations, your fun times, your struggles...(thank goodness for Facebook during times like these. ha) I sure hope you all know how valuable you are to me. So, I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for making my "job" enjoyable.
I am sure I'll leave someone out....but by now you should know that would never be my intention.
ER unit secretaries- Thank you for being my personal assistants. I know that is not the "job" you signed up for but you made my job so much easier. Even if you did call me a bazillion times during the day or night and text me just the same, my phone sure is going to be a whole lot more silent without you. :) Your kindness, funny comments made the "I have 6 patients for you" much easier. Always.
NMC nurses - Some of you were there when I was working with you way back when...Thank you for making my transition to NP easy. Thank you for supporting me. But most of all thank you for the laughs, sharing your doughnuts, and your friendship.
Social Work Mommas- I never knew that learning about the "criteria" (oh the "criteria") would lead to such an amazing group of people. Thank you for taking me underneath your wings and loving me. The 3 pm chocolate pick me up was just an excuse to make sure I got to see all of you.
Pharmacist buddies - Thank you for just "fixing" it. For knowing what I meant on most occasions. haha. But seriously, I have appreciated your expertise so much. You all have become some of my very favorite friends. From now on, texts only in emoticons.
Jill Treadwell- Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you at first as a prn float pool nurse. Your kindness during all my transitions will never be forgotten. You were so wonderful to me as I was finishing graduate school and were so supportive. And you have continued as my roles have changed. You are one of the very few nurse leaders I admire and strive to be.
Ancillary Staff- There are so many of you. I put ancillary just to cover my bases because I could never name all of you without forgetting someone. Thanks for supporting me. Chit- chatting when I felt the need to be chatty (which is pretty much all the time.). Laughing with me. Keeping me straight. But most of all including me in your "world." From maintenance, housekeeping, cafeteria, radiology staff, and anyone else in between you have so encouraging to me. I appreciate you.
NMC Physicians - You all have taught me so much. Thank you for taking time to mentor, support, and guide me. I am grateful.
Amanda- There really isn't enough room to write how many "thank you's" I owe you. Really. I'm serious. All I am going to say is you know. Hopefully that will suffice. And besides the thank you's, I'm in awe of your strength. I've been able to see your character and integrity in so many instances. You are a keeper friend. You really are.... Love you.
Alcovy Hospitalists- (tears) I hope you all know how much I appreciate you. I could never say Thank you enough. To say I will miss you is such an understatement. I am forever indebted. My life is forever changed because of you.
The relationships I have at NMC is what makes the change so difficult. You are forever tucked away in a special spot in my heart. You will be missed more than you could ever know.

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