I heard Reese say, "Hey "little girl with the pretty black bow""(of course, the name has been changed!) as she was walking into school. I saw you turn your head, look at her, and turn back around. A little piece of my heart broke. For months now, my sweet little girl has come home almost everyday and mentioned you. She tells me that she compliments you. Something you are wearing because well, Reese notices those things. And she always looks at me with those big brown eyes and says, "Mom, she never even talks to me." I've never seen you until today. You are a little bit older than her and maybe she completely annoys you, maybe she scares you (haha), maybe you are shy, or maybe you are a "mean girl." I'm not sure and I don't hold a grudge against you. I am actually thankful.
You see, I have a very confident daughter but you are making her doubt herself. She is 5 and hasn't seen the harsh reality of life yet. Maybe you haven't either. But you have brought out a qualities in my daughter that I am thankful to see. Persistence and Kindness. I am not sure why she wants your attention or affirmation. It is an interesting side of my daughter that only you have brought out.
And as I prayed for her today, I also prayed for you. I encourage my daughter to continue to be kind. To continue to be a light. Because, maybe she is the only one that ever compliments your pretty black bow.
I know that we are just beginning - There is a lifetime more to navigate with harder lessons to learn but for now we will continue - Continue to love you, continue to pray for you, continue to love your pretty black bow.

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