This was Reese's response the other day when I asked her to do something she didn't want to do.
I literally laughed out loud.
Over the last few weeks, I've been seeing a different side of my sweet baby girl.
She's starting to notice that she IS different. Reese is no doubt unique. But every child is. She and her brother are as different as night and day. Josh and I laugh at the fact that they did both come from us because they couldn't be more opposite. John Rhett is so much like Josh.
It. Is. Scary.
And Reese, well she is me made over except…STRONGER. (And those words came from her Nena, not me).
JR told me a few days ago that Reese said to him, "Bubs, I don't fit in."
He is such a tender hearted soul. He said, "Mom, I had to tell you. She seemed upset."
Later that afternoon, Reese and I were by ourselves. We were playing, singing, and snuggling.
I told her that Bubs mentioned that she was worried that she didn't fit in.
Her big brown eyes began to tear up.
"Mom, sometimes I don't."
She gave me a big hug and just let me hold her.
Now Reese can do her fair share of "fake" crying and "fake" need for attention. But she wasn't. When her feelings are really hurt or she actually is upset about something… you can tell. There are no dramatic pictures, like the ones before bed time.
I got all teary eyed too.
And then said to her exactly what I hope she will NEVER forget. Something Josh and I will continue to instill in her for the rest of her life.
"Baby, you will never fit in because you were made to stand out."
Stand out. No never fit in -ALWAYS STAND OUT.
May we all always stand out.